33 research outputs found


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    Adolescent pregnancy remains a major contributor to maternal and child mortality and to the cycle of ill-health and poverty. Adolescent pregnancies are more likely in poor, uneducated and rural communities. The aim of this study was to analyze correlation education about health reproductive and knowledge and attitude of health reproductive of the adolescent. This study was a quasy experiments with pretest-posttest control group design.The population is the student of high school in Yogyakarta regency. The sample of this study uses purposive sampling with 25 respondents in experiment group and 27 respondents in control group. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney. Collecting data through a questionnaire. The result in this study showed that in controle group, the value of knowledge was p = 0,075 (p>0,05), while value of attitude was p = 0,080 (p>0,05). In experiment group the value of knowledge was p = 0,001 (p0,05). The result showed that in experiment group of knowledge there was a significant difference, but the experiment group of attitude was no significant defferent, while in control group there wasn’t a significant difference. The conclusion of this study is there is correlation between health reproductive education toward knowledge, but there is no correlation attitude of health reproductive on adolescent. Keywords: Education of health reproductive, knowledge, attitude, adolescent

    Factors influence sexual behavior in adolescent: a literature riview

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    Background: Adolescence is a period where there is a change in transition between childhood and adulthood. Sexual behavior is one form of adolescents committed during the transition. Adolescent sexual behavior is a form of sexual drive or a desire that is done by both men and women. Sexual behavior by an average adolescents is a form of desire and curiosity from adolescents.Aim: This study aims to describe what factors influence adolescent sexual behaviorMethod: This research is a literature review research. The source obtained was taken from several databases such as Google Scholar, found 7,130 journals, 311,653 ProQuest, 2,318,728 PubMed. Based on the overall database data, only 8 journals met the inclusion criteriaResults: Factors of sexual behavior in adolescents in 8 journals discussing peers, male gender is more likely to engage in sexual behavior compared to women, authoritarian parenting style, parental consent about sexual access and perceptions of norms of people around adolescents themselves, families, school media and the community are significantly related to adolescent sexual experiences.Conclusion: Based on the results of the 8 journals, the factors that greatly influence adolescent sexual behavior are the countryside and the media. These findings have many implications for health workers, especially community educators, to implement and develop interventions to prevent sexual risk behaviors

    Berbagai Intervensi yang Dapat Mengurangi Kesepian pada Lansia

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    Background: The relationship between loneliness and the consequences of its harm to physical and mental health in the elderly is often reported, including an increased risk of death. Interventions that can reduce the problem of loneliness in the elderly are needed so that they are successful in the process of aging and prosperous both biologically and psychosocially. This study aims to summarizing current knowledge about several interventions that can reduce loneliness problems in the elderly. Method: This study uses the literature review method. The database used in the literature searches is the Science Direct, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. In the early phase of searching using keywords: “older people, loneliness, interventions, programs, outcomes”, it is obtained the results of 12 international journals from the period of 2017 to 2019 that matched the inclusion criteria. Results: From the 12 journals obtained, 6 are quantitative studies, 5 are literature review studies, and 1 is a qualitative study. It is revealed the results that some interventions categorized in the direct and indirect interventions are summarized and can reduce the problem of loneliness in the elderly. Conclusion: This review identified 10 out of 11 interventions (90.9%) using a community-based group approach and the other (9.1%) using new technologies approach. Although the number of studies on interventions that target loneliness in the elderly continues to increase, our reviews above do not reach solid and strong conclusions and their characteristics can be questioned

    Media Edukasi Flashcard dan Audio Visual Kesehatan Reproduksi pada Anak Disabilitas Intelektual

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    Ketidakmampuan atau keterbatasan kecerdasan pada anak tunagrahita membuat mereka rentan terhadap masalah, termasuk masalah kesehatan reproduksi yang meliputi kecemasan saat pubertas dan pelecehan/kekerasan seksual. Salah satu upaya penanganan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi melalui flashcard dan media edukatif audio visual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dengan media flashcard dan audio visual dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak tunagrahita.Metode yang digunakan adalah pre-experiment dengan pendekatan pretest-posttest design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan quota sampling. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner pengetahuan dan sikap tentang kesehatan reproduksi, kartu flashcard dan media audio visual. Analisa data menggunakan uji wilcoxon, mann whitney-U, nilai delta. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada anak tunagrahita di SLB Bangun Putra Kasihan Bantul dan Rela Bhakti Gamping 1 Sleman. Sampel sebanyak 48 orang yang terdiri dari 24 kelompok flashcard dan 24 kelompok audio visual. Hasil analisa menunjukkan ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dengan menggunakan media flashcard nilai p value flashcard 0,00 < 0,05 dan nilai p value audio visual 0,00 < 0,05. Nilai delta atau nilai selisih pada kelompok intervensi media flashcard pengetahuan = 33,48 dan sikap 30,15 sedangkan pada kelompok media audio visual untuk pengetahuan 15,52 dan sikap 18,85. Kesimpulan yang didapat yaitu Pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dengan media flashcard lebih berpengaruh dibandingkan dengan media audio visual dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap anak tunagrahita

    Cost Control Strategy in Covid-19 Pandemic Using Balanced Scorecard at Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI

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    The hospital is at the forefront to overcome the covid outbreak but the personal protective equipment (APD) is getting rare. This makes health service management more ineffective and efficient. The purpose of this study is to develop a cost control strategy to maintain and even improve hospital performance during Pandemi Covid-19. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach conducted at PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital. The research design uses an approach to explore and understand the organization by presenting a comprehensive picture and reporting a detailed description of the source of information and preparing it without the intervention of the researchers. The interview was conducted to the Chairperson of the PDHI Foundation, the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, and the Hospital Director. The data analysis used includes compaction, coding, and identification of themes to get a deeper understanding of strategic planning at RSIY PDHI. The overall strategic objective of the organization is categorized into 4 (four) perspectives, namely financial goals, customer goals, internal business processes, and the purpose of growth and learning. In terms of financial, three strategic objectives are set, namely income growth, cost reduction, and increased profitability. From the customer side, four strategic objectives are set, namely improving the quality and quality of service, increasing customer satisfaction, improving the quality of customer relations, and improving the image of the hospital. In terms of internal business processes, three strategic objectives are set, namely the integration of internal service processes, improving the quality of service processes to customers, and increasing the speed of the service innovation process. PDHI Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital is advised to improve a strategic plan with a framework of the Balanced Scorecard that has been previously created. Keywords:  Balanced Scorecard, Cost Control Strategy, PDHI Islamic Hospital Yogyakart

    The Effectiveness of Audit Guideline Using Directive Discourse for Control and Prevention of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection

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    Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is one of the major problems in the hospital, due to its increasing of prevalence. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the Audit Guideline for control and prevention of MRSA infection, using directive discourse on nurses in hospitals. The Audit Guideline was focused on its effectiveness in improving the situation awareness of the nurses. This study was a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest control group design. The population was ward nurses in a hospital. The samples were taken from four medical wards, two wards as the treatment group (25 nurses) and two wards as the control group (28 nurses). The two groups get the training of MRSA infection control and prevention. The training of the guideline of MRSA infection control and prevention using directive discourse was only applied in the treatment group. The analysis of the results of the situation awareness action was conducted, and the result of situation awareness action was improved from 0.8 response to 1.8 response (p = 0.014). This result was significantly difference because of the training using Audit Guideline for MRSA infections control and prevention with directive discourse become a positive reinforcement, the positive driven to stimulate behavior change of the nurses

    The Effects of the Education about Hand hygiene on the Knowledge, Attitude and Hand Washing Compliance of the Paramedics in Nur Hidayah Hospital Yogyakarta

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    Background Knowledge and The Objective: The Nosocomial infections are a big problem in all of the hospitals around the world. The prevalence of nosocomial infections in the developing countries are two to three times higher than in Europe or America. The incidence of nosocomial infections in intensive care units is higher than outside the intensive care unit. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of education about hand hygiene on knowledge, attitudes and hand washing compliance to the paramedics. Methodology: This research is a quasi-experimental research design with pretest and posttest non-control research design. Results:  The analysis result of nurses’ knowledge about hand washing  which was obtained  is p = 0.989 (p &gt; 0.05), there is no significant difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of non-nurses’ knowledge which was obtained is p = 0.510   (p &gt; 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis results of the attitude of nurses to wash hands which was obtained is p = 0.720 (p &gt; 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of the attitude of non nurses which was obtained is p = 0.080 (p &gt; 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of hand washing action on the nurses which was obtained is p = 0.158 (p &gt; 0.05), there is no difference. The analysis result of hand washing action on the non nurses which was obtained is         p = 0.489 (p &gt; 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). Conclusion: The education about the hand hygiene has not significantly changed the knowledge, attitudes and hand washing compliance. Keyword: nosocomial infections , education,  hand washin

    Literature Review The Implementation Of Infection Prevention And Control Programs On The Medical Staff

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    Health-related infection (HAI) is a major problem facing hospitals affecting patients as well as healthcare workers around the world. There have not been many published systematic reviews on the implementation of infection prevention and control programs. The aim of this systematic review is to analyze the implementation of infection prevention and control programs in medical personnel. The research phase begins with the formulation of a research question (RQ) and data collection begins with a search for research with qualitative methods at Pubmed, Science Direct, Proquest, GARUDA and Google Scholar on "infection prevention and control", "IPC management", and "the implementation process. IPC "for health personnel, published between January 2015 and June 2020. A total of 106 publications were taken, method and abstract screening were conducted (n = 106), research was issued (n = 91), full text reviewed (n = 14) , articles that issue n = 0). Synthesized article (n = 14). Based on the maipcng results of 14 articles regarding the implementation of infection prevention and control programs for medical personnel, they are grouped into research focus and paper type categories. Gaps were identified related to lack of knowledge, awareness and commitment to the importance of IPC during health service delivery. Management needs to provide support with training, funding for the IPC program so that it supports infrastructure. Human resource factors and other supporting factors contribute to the implementation of IPC so as to reduce the incidence of infectio

    Efektivitas Program Pendidikan Lanjut Usia Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Lansia di Komunitas : A LITERATUR REVIEW

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    Background: The elderly education program is a long-term learning model aimed at the elderly to improve their knowledge, especially regarding health. Education and learning are considered to be important factors in facilitating participation in society and enabling older people to enjoy positive quality of life as they age. By actively participating in this activity can improve the quality of life in the elderly. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the elderly education program on improving the quality of life in the elderly. Method: The method of writing this study with a literature review and using the Google Scholar, Pubmed, Science Direct database, using Keywords: "Community-based intervention, Lifelong learning, Eduction, Quality of life, Elderly". Results: From 7 journals obtained, 1 study was conducted on postmenopausal women, 5 studies on male and female respondents and 1 study did not detect the sex of respondents. Revealed the results that the elderly education program was effective to improve the quality of life of the elderly after several types of peer education programs, lively later life, social activities, counseling groups, pro balance programs, health welfare education, and healthy lifestyle education were carried out. Conclusion: This review of the literature review found results that were effective in several types of education programs. The elderly education program is one of the effective programs to improve the quality of life in the elderly

    Peningkatan Mutu Rumah Sakit dengan Akreditasi

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    Hospital accreditation is a recognition by the government for hospitals that have met the standards set. The general objective of accreditation is to get a description about the level of compliance with the standards established by the hospitals in Indonesia, so the quality of hospital services can be accounted for. Accreditation is beneficial to both the hospital itself, the community and hospital owner. Accreditation of hospitals in Indonesia conducted by the Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (KARS). Hospital accreditation is one way to assess the quality of hospital services. Improved quality of hospital services is very important, because the hospital provides the most critical and dangerous in the system of care for activities of the target is the human soul. The goal of this paper is to better understand that accreditation is very important to improve the quality of the hospital.Akreditasi Rumah Sakit adalah pengakuan pemerintah kepada rumah sakit yang telah memenuhi standar yang telah tetapkan. Tujuan umum akreditasi adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran sejauh mana pemenuhan standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh rumah sakit-rumah sakit di Indonesia, sehingga mutu pelayanan rumah sakit dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Akreditasi sangat bermanfaat baik bagi rumah sakit itu sendiri, masyarakat maupun pemilik rumah sakit. Akreditasi Rumah Sakit di Indonesia dilakukan oleh Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (KARS). Akreditasi rumah sakit merupakan salah satu cara untuk menilai mutu pelayanan rumah sakit. Peningkatan mutu pelayanan rumah sakit merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena rumah sakit memberikan pelayanan yang paling kritis dan berbahaya dalam sistem pelayanan dan sasaran kegiatannya adalah jiwa manusia. Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah agar lebih dipahami bahwa akreditasi sangat penting bagi peningkatan mutu rumah sakit